Monday, May 6, 2019

Being John Lennon (Book Review)

I recently brought a very nice hardback book, to go along with over 100 others I currently have in my collection. And I have to admit, I haven’t read more then 20 of them probably! 

(Photo from google image search) 

Some of them I haven’t even opened. And of course as a fan of the Beatles more the literature, I just go by what book has the coolest cover! At the start of the year I had just finished reading a book about Lennon that was, to say the least muddled and not well written, I gave up after about 5 chapters. 

(photo from google image search) 

Going into every detail at times when it wasn’t needed, then simply brushing over major points in Lennon’s life, the book was not my favourite that I have read. So I went on amazon and brought myself the book titled “Being John Lennon” and as a wanna be tribute artist jumped out at me! 

(photo from google image search) 

And the cover artwork was cool to! So I ordered it. When it came a few days later, I started reading it right away, and from the first pages I was hooked. After a dedicated ‘for plum’, the ‘author’s note’ takes up 3 pages. That’s followed by the forward for another 3, before chapter one is on the following page. The first chapter is titled ‘I forgot about my father’ and that’s followed by 63 other chapters. Taking in johns entire life, it really is a great insight into Lennon. 
(photo from google images) 

It’s not a book that is set out to depict Lennon as the evil drug taking wife beater and cheat some books are. But it also does not set out to make Lennon seem like the gold plated saint that he never was. It’s a very real book written in a very relaxed but informed way, that is easy to read and enjoy for all Lennon fans! Informative and interesting, it is probably one of the best books I have ever read! The book is written by Ray Connolly, who also wrote the best selling book ‘Being Elvis’.
If you want a book that gives you all the fact in an entertaining and well written book, this is probably the best you will get! I’d fully recommend this book to anyone, from ‘die hard’ Lennon nuts, to general 60’s music lovers.


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