Sunday, March 10, 2019

Julian Lennon

John Charles Julian Lennon, known more commonly as Julian or Jules,  is the first son of John Lennon, born on April 8th 1963, just as Beatlemania had kicked off in Britain. His mother is Cynthia Lennon, John’s first wife, who he later left to be with Yoko Ono. He was named after John’s late mother Julia. Even though in the days leading up to the birth, John had called Cynthia on the phone regularly, he was not at the birth, nor was anyone else. “Having fathers present for the birth just wasn't the custom then. The person I wanted was my mum, but she was still in Canada, so I had to go through the birth alone.” Cynthia wrote in her book about her life with John. Cynthia gave birth to Jules during the early morning after more then 24 hours in labour, feeling extremely tired and sick. A midwife had to tell her that if she didn’t push harder that both her and the baby would die. 

(John and Julian, photo from google image search) 

When Jules entered the world he arrived with the cord round his neck and yellow with jaundice, so the midwife quickly took him away from her, but he was soon reunited with his mother. The Beatles were touring while Cynthia was in labour, meaning John Lennon didn't get to see his son until 11th April. On this date he visited Liverpool's Sefton General Hospital to see his wife and get his first look at his new baby boy. Cynthia told of them event “He came in like a whirlwind, racing through the doors in his haste to find us. He kissed me, then looked at his son, who was in my arms. There were tears in his eyes: "Cyn, he's bloody marvellous! He's fantastic." 

(photo from google image search)

He sat on the bed and I put the baby into his arms. He held each tiny hand, marvelling at the miniature fingers, and a big smile spread over his face. "Who's going to be a famous little rocker like his dad, then?" He said.” By this point Cynthia had been moved to a private room, on the wishes on Lennon. The room however was not as private as expected. The window in the room soon be come crowders with people peeping in on the Lennon’s and their new born. “The room felt like a goldfish bowl and it was obvious John couldn't stay long. He hugged me and signed dozens of autographs on his way out. I was disappointed that we'd had so little time together: he had to go straight back to the tour and wouldn't be home again for a week or so.” The room became filled with cards and flowers, and one of the gifts of flowers came from Julian’s godfather, Brian Epstein. Once John finished the tour he returned to his wife and child, although not for long. Just three weeks after the birth, at a time when most fathers and mothers would be proud of their new baby, looking after them, changing them and tending to their every need, John decided to go on holiday with Brian to Spain. A trip that would cause rumours of a homosexual relationship. Over the next few years as The Beatles toured the world and became the biggest thing in popular music John’s relationship with his son was strained.  Spending little time with him John and Julian would miss out on a lot of bonding time. 

(photo from google image search) 

Like his father, Julian liked to draw and paint, and it was one of his paintings that inspired John to write ‘Lucy in the sky with diamond.’ Julian also was the main influence behind Beatles songs ‘goodnight’ and ‘hey jude.’ 
When John left Cynthia to start a relationship with Yoko Ono, it was like history repeating itself. John’s father had very rarely been around for him either, and on the few occasions they did talk, once John was an adult, it was strained and uncomfortable. When soon after, John and Yoko started their bid for world peace, it seemed to Julian as though his father was a hypocrite. 

(photo from google image search)

Here was a man talking night and day about peace and love, on every news program and every paper, yet he couldn’t give the love to his son that he so needed at this time. “I've never really wanted to know the truth about how dad was with me. There was some very negative stuff talked about me ... like when he said I'd come out of a whisky bottle on a Saturday night. Stuff like that. You think, where's the love in that? Paul and I used to hang about quite a bit ... more than Dad and I did. We had a great friendship going and there seems to be far more pictures of me and Paul playing together at that age than there are pictures of me and my dad” Julian said about the matter. "Dad could talk about peace and love out loud to the world but he could never show it to the people who supposedly meant the most to him: his wife and son. How can you talk about peace and love and have a family in bits and pieces—no communication, adultery, divorce? You can't do it, not if you're being true and honest with yourself." 

(photo from google image search) 

Their on and off relationship didn’t improve much over the next few years. In fact it wasn’t until the mid 70’s that John and Julian’s relationship began to improve a bit. During John’s lost weekend, with girlfriend May Pang he and Julian saw more of each other. And it was these mementoes that Julian would look back on fondly, “Dad and I got on a great deal better then. We had a lot of fun, laughed a lot and had a great time in general when he was with May Pang. My memories of that time with Dad and May are very clear — they were the happiest time I can remember with them.” History would soon after repeat itself again, just when Julian was getting on more with his famous father, their relationship was put to an abrupt end at the hands or a crazed fan, who killed Lennon outside his house in 1980. 
(photo from google image search) 

Just like when John was a boy, when he had got a closer bond with his mother, she too died after being hit by a car after leaving Aunt Mini’s house.  Julian traveled to visit Yoko as soon as he found out what happened. In the following years, Julian and John’s other son Sean would become close, with Julian teaching him how to play guitar. Julian went on to be a singer song writer and follow in his fathers footsteps.

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